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- By Donation: Our Forgotten Souls
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- The Gift Of Life
Working For MTAR
We currently have no job vacancies. Please check back again.
News & Events
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This Group is set up for fosters can share their dogs, and adopters can post about their new additions. Please come and join us.
The Bristol Buddies are a team of talented people who create some lovely items to sell to raise funds for Many Tears
We take in many dogs each year in need of eye operations to give them the Gift of Sight. If you would like to make a donation and see some of the dogs who have benefitted from this CLICK HERE.
At Many Tears we try and fix broken hearts. Of course, as always, this costs money. If you would like to help us mend some broken hearts and see whose have benefitted from this fund CLICK HERE
A simple and easy way to help Many Tears is to sponsor a kennel for as little as £1 a day. CLICK HERE for more information.