Fundraising for Many Tears

Many Tears is extremely grateful to everyone who gives their time helping us to raise much-needed funds. We receive no Government funding and rely heavily on the support of our volunteers and donations. If you want to fundraise for us below are just a few suggestions of what you can do:

  • Do a sponsored marathon, walk (maybe with other fellow dog walkers), bungee jump, cycle right or swim.
  • Organise a coffee morning or cake sale either at work or with friends
  • If you are crafty make and sell some of your wares and donate the proceeds
  • Hold a street/store collection
  • Collect used stamps
  • Do a car boot sale and donate the proceeds
  • See if you work/school will allow a sponsored Dress Down Day
  • Hold a Quiz Night in your local pub, village hall or community centre.

IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Online Fundraising Pages
Very often people set up their own online crowdfundraising pages with companies like Just Giving or GoFundMe and whilst we are happy for you to do this please email us first at to let us know this is what you intend to do together with the wording you intend using for the "story". Once we have approved this we are more than happy for this to be used as a way of getting donations and will give you the bank details of which account money should be transferred into once the event has taken place.

Thank you for wanting to help us and good luck with whatever your chosen venture is just don’t forget to tell us about it!

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