Street Store Collections

Our volunteers raise some much needed funds by holding street/store collections. In addition, considerable donations of food and wish list items are also donated on those collections. We cannot say thank you enough for the efforts and support from our organisers and the volunteers who give up their time for the rescue which greatly helps the rescue take in and rehome the large number of dogs we do. We also would like to thank all the businesses and local authorities that supported Many Tears by allowing these collections to take place. The public response is always fantastic and we thank everyone for their kindness and generosity.

If you would like information on how to arrange either a street or store collection please email


24 AUGUST 2024

10am - 2pm
Meeting outside Aberafan Shopping Centre at 10am
Volunteers very much needed and valued!
If you can join us or need more information please contact Beverley at

If you would like to attend a collection, please watch the video below, which one of our dedicated volunteers, Cheryl has kindly put together of a previous street collection she held together with some other Many Tears supporters. They have been doing these for a while and they work brilliantly.

We welcome you to bring your dog(s) along to the street collection too as they always generate a lot of interest and people love to come and say hello to them and usually donate.
We all love doing these days. You get to meet so many genuine dog lovers and supporters, plus it can raise some much needed funds for the rescue.
The pandemic has made fundraising really tough over the last couple of years, so we are very excited to be able to hold collections again and want to make the most of the dates that our local councils have given us.
We cannot do events like these without our wonderful volunteers, so if you are able to help at any of these days, please contact Beverley at

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