Hari ^


Hari ^ Status: Available

ID: 41642

Name: Hari ^

Breed: Poodle

Age: 3 Years

Gender: Male

Adoption Fee: See below

Location: In Foster in
Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire

If you are interested in adopting a dog that does not say it can be homed with a cat and wish us to cat test please let us know and we will be happy to do this.

19-07-24 Hari is a handsome boy who has come from his breeder to find a loving home. He has a retained testicle that our vet will take a look at. He is worried about the big wide world and he is doing his best to be brave but cannot approach us just yet and chooses to hide back in his kennel. He has never lived indoors before or been part of a family.He will need to learn all about home skills such as house training, how to walk on a lead and will learn these best by copying a kind resident dog who can show him in a way he can understand more easily. He relies on other dogs and will definitely lean more on a canine friend for companionship but in time he will come to trust humans if you go gently with him. In time his fears will melt away and he will be able to leve his worries behind him. He has lots of love to give and will be a wonderful companion. He will need regular brushing and trips to the groomers so please consider this before applying. 

29-07-24 UPDATE
Hari has seen our vets and is receiving treatment for otitis in both ears. 

04-08-24 UPDATE

About 3 days ago, Hari’s kennel dad decided to bring him home to our pack and introduce him to home life to see how he would do.
I have to say, we have both absolutely fallen for him. I came on his page to check what his current write up says and oh my! He is a totally different dog.
Hari is a happy boy, who is curious about life. He loves people and will happily follow you around and trot right by your feet whilst you’re doing jobs. Hari does have a slightly timid side to him and can drop to the floor if approached too quickly but he is gaining trust and realising he doesn’t have to do this. He will jump up on you for cuddles and enjoys fuss.
Hari will happily walk on a lead once he knows you and with a bit of encouragement. Hari loves other dogs, so we would like him to be homed with another kind resident dog to show him he can continue to come out of his shell. He is great 1-1 although we feel to best help Hari settle, he needs another dog.
Hari does have a best friend named Amon who he met at the rescue and they hit it off from day 1! He’s a Terrier x, 8 months old who we also have in foster here. We would consider homing them together in the right home and then he wouldn't need a resident dog, although both Hari and Amon could be homed separately to each other as well.
Hari’s ears are improving although are still quite sore. He is slowly gaining weight as he is on the skinny side right now.
Hari has the most stunning brown eyes and matching personality. Hari can be homed with dog savvy older children.
Don’t leave this gorgeous boy waiting long, he’s more than ready to find his forever family.

21-08-24 UPDATE

Little boy Hari , is still wondering where his forever people are?!
Hari has really started to become more confident here in foster, he will lick you to death at any point of day, and is always so happy to see people! He has gained a good appetite and his weight is starting to get better. Hari came into us shaved quite short, it wasn’t the best haircut so once his coat grows out more I’ll be giving him a freshen up!
Hari's forever home needs a kind resident dog who will show him the ropes and ways to live in a new home, he is coping very well when it’s just him and another human, but for his benefit we would like there to be another resident dog as he does snuggle with them.
Hari can go with older dog children, someone who will carry on showing him what the world has to offer at his pace. Hari will be a great addition to any home. He can suit any lifestyle and can lounge about once his needs are met or he will happily enjoy walks. Hari is learning that he doesn’t need to be so submissive around people and getting used to our hands above his head etc.
Hari is 1 in a million, anyone adopting this boy is going to be so lucky.                                                         We will find your people Hari, I promise. 

Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

PLEASE NOTE: We nearly always home dogs who have come from breeders where there is ALREADY A RESIDENT DOG living in the house. They have usually never lived in a house before and are only used to canine company. They usually get their confidence and learn faster with another dog to copy from. This also helps with house training and learning how to walk on a lead. They will make lovely pets but do need a lot of love, time and patience. If the ex breeding dog you are interested in can be an only dog it will say so in its write up. Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

 If your application is successful you will be home checked and you, all members of your family and any dog(s) who will be living with the dog MUST come to meet the dog you want to adopt. All our dogs are micro-chipped, have had at least their first inoculation and are spayed/neutered unless there is a medical reason for not doing so. You must have a safe means of transporting the dog home in a crate or if this is not possible please discuss with Many Tears or the Fosterer when your application is being processed.


Please read our adoption procedures before applying and then complete the adoption form.





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