Trust ^


Trust ^ Status: Available

ID: 41404

Name: Trust ^

Breed: Bichon Frise

Age: 5 Years

Gender: Female

Adoption Fee: See below

Location: At Many Tears in
Llanelli, Carmarthenshire

If you are interested in adopting a dog that does not say it can be homed with a cat and wish us to cat test please let us know and we will be happy to do this.

20-06-24 Trust is a lovely lady who has come from her breeder to find a loving home. She is curious about the new world she has found herself in and is keen to explore but is a calm and laid back girl. She is curious about us and will come forwards to investigate us but is very shy when it comes to us getting close to her. If you scoop her up she will settle well and is very easy to handle, she is just a bit uncomfortable and confused so it is just clear she doesnt really understand affection just yet and so needs some practice before she is asking for a fuss. She will need a kind resident dog in her new home to help her adjust and help her settle. She will need to learn all about house training, walking on a lead and other such home skills. Trust will come along just great if she is given the time, patience and encouragement that she needs to start loving her new life and developing her own personality. She has had 7 teeth extracted at the time of her spay.

27-07-24 UPDATE
Little Trust has been with us for just over a month now and even though she is trying very hard to be brave, she is still a very shy girl who is definitely worried about our intentions. She has gotten better at being picked up and handled, but she still doesn’t enjoy it bless her.
I have noticed a difference in her particularly in the past 2 weeks, because she’s been kennelled with some very calm, lovely doggy friends. I think they have definitely helped her with her nerves and she’s become less skittish too. I think she has watched them having cuddles and fusses from me, and maybe it’s made her realise that I’m actually not going to hurt her. This is why it’s definitely still very important that she’s homed with a kind and confident resident dog!
I do think Trust will be quite overwhelmed when she first gets home and may shut down a little, but with a lot of time and patience, I think she will settle. I’m not sure if she’ll ever become a lap dog or a snuggle monster, but her adopters will need to be okay with that and just love her anyway. She’s an extremely sweet girl and she really deserves the world and more. I just hope she doesn’t have to wait here for much longer.  

27-08-24 UPDATE
Trust had a professional groom with our lovely volunteer groomer last week and she was such a good girl. And doesn’t she look lovely!? She came out looking like a cloud and smelling like a million pounds!!
She’s also met some new friends recently who have now joined her kennel and she has been ever so welcoming and gentle to them. They’re very timid girls who have quite a few medical problems so are a bit vulnerable I suppose, but she’s been so good with them. I do feel as though her progress has stunted a little over the last few weeks, just because I think it’s too busy an environment for her to thrive in.
She’s still happy and doing okay, but I definitely think she’ll make a lot more progress in a home environment. I am really hoping someone will choose her soon because she is a really lovely dog, she just needs to be given a chance and shown a lot of love and TLC.  

Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

PLEASE NOTE: We nearly always home dogs who have come from breeders where there is ALREADY A RESIDENT DOG living in the house. They have usually never lived in a house before and are only used to canine company. They usually get their confidence and learn faster with another dog to copy from. This also helps with house training and learning how to walk on a lead. They will make lovely pets but do need a lot of love, time and patience. If the ex breeding dog you are interested in can be an only dog it will say so in its write up. Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

 If your application is successful you will be home checked and you, all members of your family and any dog(s) who will be living with the dog MUST come to meet the dog you want to adopt. All our dogs are micro-chipped, have had at least their first inoculation and are spayed/neutered unless there is a medical reason for not doing so. You must have a safe means of transporting the dog home in a crate or if this is not possible please discuss with Many Tears or the Fosterer when your application is being processed.


Please read our adoption procedures before applying and then complete the adoption form.





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