Elsie ^


Elsie ^ Status: Available

ID: 40754

Name: Elsie ^

Breed: Cockapoo (Cocker Spaniel cross Poodle)

Age: 3 Years

Gender: Female

Adoption Fee: See below

Location: At Many Tears in
Llanelli, Carmarthenshire

If you are interested in adopting a dog that does not say it can be homed with a cat and wish us to cat test please let us know and we will be happy to do this.

19-03-24 Elsie is a sweet but scared girl who has come from her breeder to find a loving home. She has a lump in her mammary area our vet will take a look at. She is feeling very overwhelmed and will shake when we hold her but has a gentle disposition.  She is very skitty and could be a flight risk so will need a secure garden, to be kept safe in the house when doors are opened and a slow introduction to walking on a harness and double lead. She has never seen any of the big wide world so feels very worried and lost right now. She is a gentle lamb with a kind heart, she just has no clue how to cope and so is shut down when we are around her but is much happier around her kennel friends. She will need a kind resident dog in her new home to support her and snuggle with her. She is going to need a calm, quiet home to help her start to relax and get used to the idea of being comfortable and loved for the very first time. She will need a lot of patience, gentle encouragement and TLC for her to settle and bit by bit you will start to see her beautiful character emerge. With time and commitment she will flourish and will begin to shine.

04-04-24 UPDATE
Elsie has been with me for just over 2 weeks now and while she is still very nervous of humans, her overall confidence is definitely improving daily. She’s very settled in my routine and I think that’s helped with her nerves, as she knows what’s going to happen and when. She runs to and from the play yard with no problems, and she eats very well with all of her kennel friends! To pick her up I have to get her into the back of her kennel, and very gently and slowly go towards her. Most of the time she’ll hide between her friends and freeze, so it is quite easy to scoop her up. When she’s away from her friends she does completely shut down, so I only do it if I absolutely have to - like today, she rolled in poo (oh dear) so I had to take her into the grooming room to clean her up. She coped okay, but she was so frightened she was shaking the whole time. Elsie will need a very calm and quiet home, with adopters who have an unlimited amount of time, love and patience. She’ll definitely need at least 1 kind resident dog, and no children. I don’t think there will be any quick fixes with Elsie and it may be a long road to get her to where she needs to be, but I am hopeful that she will get there eventually.

12-05-24 UPDATE
It’s been almost 2 months since Elsie arrived now and she is still a very nervous girl. While her friends are becoming more confident around me and approaching me for a fuss, Elsie stays at the back and watches from afar. It’s good that she watches, but so sad that she’s still not brave enough to even come near me. I’ve been trying to win her over with food because she is a very foodie girl, but she’s still too scared to even take chicken from my hand. Bless her. When there’s nobody around, she is generally quite a happy girl and will run around the play yard with her friends and also interact with the toys a little bit too, which is lovely. Her fear of humans is just so strong though, she’s going to need very patient and understanding adopters to get her to trust them.
I really hope someone chooses this special girl soon because I fear she’ll start to shut down even more being at the rescue for a long time. It is a very busy and overwhelming place and for dogs like her, it’s just not the best environment for them. If you have the time and the heart, please consider my precious Elsie!

07-06-24 UPDATE
Elsie has made quite a lot of progress since my last update. She is now getting closer and closer to me every day. She still won’t come right up to me, but she’s now happy to be a couple of feet away from me. I know this doesn’t sound like a lot at all, but it is when you compare it to how she was when she arrived. She still won’t take treats directly from my hand either, but she will now eat them off the floor if I throw them next to me. Again this doesn’t sound like progress, but she wouldn’t do this before! 
Yesterday I gave her a bath, probably for the first time in her life. She didn’t like the water at first but got used to it quite quickly. She let me give her a good shampoo and rinse it all off with no problems, although she wasn’t a fan of the water being close to her face .. but who would!? She was also quite scared of the hair dryer to start with, but she got used to that very quickly too, and let me give her a good brush all over. Her coat has come out absolutely beautiful - silky smooth!
One thing that has started to happen with Elsie is a fear of strangers coming into her kennel or the play yard when she’s in there. She has no problems with the people she knows, but she gets really spooked when it’s someone unfamiliar and has started running up to them and barking. This doesn’t last for long as she stops as soon as she realises they’re not going to hurt her, but this is something any future adopters should keep in mind. This doesn’t mean she’s a nasty dog in any way, it is 100% just fear. A quieter home with less visitors would probably suit her better. 

10-07-24 UPDATE
Elsie had to have another bath this week because the Welsh ‘summer’ has not been kind to us! She was actually a lot calmer this time and she was honestly SO easy to do. The only thing she was still unsure of was the hairdryer around her face, but that is completely understandable. Bless her! I also trimmed her fringe and gave her a quick health check to make sure her ears, nails etc were all okay. She was very allowing of this even though I think she was a bit confused! I’m starting to worry that Elsie is struggling being in kennels and it’s really breaking my heart. I think the whole environment is way too busy for her and she can never relax, so she’s constantly on guard. When she’s in her kennel she is always in bed, but she’s always watching. Over the next couple of days I am going to start putting a harness on her every morning just to see how she copes. If she’s okay, I’ll start to introduce a lead very slowly and then think about taking her out. I will go at a pace she’s comfortable with, as always, and I’ll keep you all updated on how she gets on. Wish us luck! 

15-07-24 UPDATE
Elsie has seen our vets to be neutered and had a dental at the same time with 4 teeth removed. Elsie has a mammary lump removed and is recovering well.

17-08-24 UPDATE
Since my last update, Elsie has actually made some progress and I’m now starting to see small changes in her every day. She is FINALLY brave enough to come and take some squeezy cheese from me, but only when she feels like it. That’s okay though, because it is still a big step forward for her and I’m very proud of her. She’s also less skittish when I need to handle her and more often than not will jump into one of her beds and stay there for me to pick her up, or even just stroke her. I can’t be sure, but there is a possibility she’s actually starting to enjoy a gentle little fuss under her ears. She doesn’t give much away with her facial expressions, but she doesn’t flinch anymore or back away!!
Another big change came when she had her 3rd bath a couple of days ago. She was actually happy being in the grooming room with me and had a waggy tail!!! It was as if she was enjoying having a bath and a towel off. It made me sooooo happy to see her like that. Over the next couple of weeks I think I am going to give her a full groom a take some length off of her beautiful coat. I promise I will post some pictures when we’re done.
As you can probably tell, I have started putting a harness on Elsie and she has been a good girl about it. She doesn’t seem to mind wearing one and has never tried to take it off. I haven’t introduced a lead yet, but I am going to over the next few days because I think she’s finally ready. Will keep you all updated, as always!

Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

PLEASE NOTE: We nearly always home dogs who have come from breeders where there is ALREADY A RESIDENT DOG living in the house. They have usually never lived in a house before and are only used to canine company. They usually get their confidence and learn faster with another dog to copy from. This also helps with house training and learning how to walk on a lead. They will make lovely pets but do need a lot of love, time and patience. If the ex breeding dog you are interested in can be an only dog it will say so in its write up. Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

 If your application is successful you will be home checked and you, all members of your family and any dog(s) who will be living with the dog MUST come to meet the dog you want to adopt. All our dogs are micro-chipped, have had at least their first inoculation and are spayed/neutered unless there is a medical reason for not doing so. You must have a safe means of transporting the dog home in a crate or if this is not possible please discuss with Many Tears or the Fosterer when your application is being processed.


Please read our adoption procedures before applying and then complete the adoption form.





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