

Hazel Status: Available

ID: 40724

Name: Hazel

Breed: Cockapoo (Cocker Spaniel cross Poodle)

Age: 2 Years

Gender: Female

Adoption Fee: See below

Location: In Foster in
Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan

If you are interested in adopting a dog that does not say it can be homed with a cat and wish us to cat test please let us know and we will be happy to do this.

14-03-2024 Hazel is a scared little girl who is such a heartbreaker and has come to us from a breeder to find her forever home. She is overwhelmed to find herself here at the moment and is feeling quite unsure around us. When we approach her in the kennel she does run away and when in our arms she remains quite tense. Hazel shows some of her sweet personality when she is around her kennel friends and will snuggle up with them in bed and follow them around the play yard but she is unsure of her surroundings as this is all a big change for her. Hazel is looking for kind calm adopters that have experience in bringing on scared ex-breeding dogs that can help her come out of her shell in a loving environment. She will need an adult only home as children and even visiting children will be too overwhelming for her. Hazel will need at least one confident resident dog in her new home that is happy to have her snuggle up next to them and that she can gain comfort and confidence from in her new home. Hazel will need kind understanding adopters that can help her learn new skills such as housetraining and walking on a lead/harness when she is ready, this may take some time and she will need adopters that understand this. Hazel will need time and positivity in her new home to help her settle and bond with her adopters, this will be a big change for her. Hazel is such a dear little girl who just needs that experienced someone to choose her and show her how lovely a home can be. Hazel has PETS travel document.

06-04-24 UPDATE
Hazel has been with me for a few weeks now and she’s still very much a scared girl, but I am seeing little changes in her every day.
She’s still frightened of humans and our intentions and doesn’t like to be touched by us. She is very flighty when you need to pick her up and will run away from you as much as she can. Her overall confidence, however, has definitely improved.
Her cheeky personality is starting to emerge and she’s also started playing with toys and her friends! She especially loves a really hard toy that she can chew on in bed .. it’s very sweet.
Hazel will definitely still need a resident dog in her new home and very understanding adopters who will be patient with her. There will be no quick fixes or miracles overnight, but I am hopeful with time, love and kindness, she will get there eventually.  

21-04-24 UPDATE
Since my last update a couple of weeks ago, Hazel has really started to come out of her shell and her confidence around me has grown massively. She’s now happy to approach me to give me kisses on my hands, and take treats from me too. She is very foodie which is always a really good thing, to the point where she’ll now actually put her paws on my lap to take a treat from me!! This may not sound like a lot, but for a dog like Hazel who wouldn’t come anywhere near me a few weeks ago, it’s incredible.
She will still run away if I approach her, but that’s absolutely fine because we’re making good progress and heading in the right direction. Seeing these changes in her has made me incredibly happy, but also very hopeful. If she can make this amount of progress at the rescue, I can only imagine how much she’ll make in a home!!



02-05-24 UPDATE
Hazel has seen our vets to be neutered and had a dental at the same time with 2 teeth removed. She is recovering well after surgery.

30-05-24 UPDATE
Hazel had a very big day today as she had a bath for the first time!!! I really wasn’t sure what to expect, but she did so well and I was extremely proud of her. She didn’t like the water which didn’t surprise me, but she coped really well and allowed me to give her a proper good shampoo all over and wash it all off. Next came the hair dryer which I really didn’t think she’d like, but she was absolutely fine!! I don’t even think she flinched when I turned it on for the first time. She did get fed up towards the end and started to get a little wriggly, but that’s absolutely fine because she did so well through the whole process. Once we were finished I let her out in the play yard with her friends and she sprinted around like there was no tomorrow. It was so lovely to see! I couldn’t get any pictures of her in the grooming room because I was too focused on making sure she was ok, but here is a photo of her attempting to sneakily steal my banana (haha)! She’s definitely getting more and more curious and food is 100% the way to her heart. I really hope she doesn’t have to stay here for much longer .. she’s more than ready to find her special family now.


29-06-24 UPDATE
You may think something looks different about Hazel … she’s had her summer hair cut!!!! Her fur was getting so thick and she was getting a bit too warm (even in our Welsh weather) so I decided it was time to start again. I took her into the grooming room and went very slowly with her because I know how scary the clippers are! She allowed me to do all of her back and down half of her legs, but then as time was getting on she was becoming more and more stressed. I don’t like to push things with my scared dogs so I decided the kindest thing to do would be to take her into the vets so she could have some sedation. Some people may see this as taking the easy way out, but while she was sedated I was able to finish the groom within 5 minutes and when she came around she was immediately back to her normal self! It’s now been a few days since and I can tell she feels a lot more comfortable .. and she looks beautiful too!!! I’m still working on getting Hazel comfortable with touch. She has made progress, but being picked up is still the scariest thing for her. Once she’s in my arms or when she’s on the grooming table for example, she does settle and allow me to stroke her. But she does still have moments of panic. I really do think she’ll come on beautifully in the right home, but someone needs to give her a chance for that to happen. 

02-08-24 UPDATE

Hazel came into foster with us last week, and I was amazed at how well she handled this big change. By the end of the second day she had conquered the stairs, and was sleeping on my bed with me and one of my dogs! However, she is very worried about touch, although she likes to be around me, she’s uncomfortable with any kind of physical contact. We’ll continue working on this and hopefully with time she will get there. Hazel is playful and loves her toys, as well as her treats. She’s been good with our friendly cat Lion, and she has been picking up housetraining quickly. She has shown some separation anxiety, we have been working on this, but she would need someone who can be at home with her all of the time at least initially. Hazel is a lovely sweet girl who so deserves a home. 

09-08-24 UPDATE 

Hazel has continued to do well in foster and her personality is showing more and more. Due to her breed and age, she will likely enjoy an active home once she’s ready for walks. As we can’t yet burn off her energy on walks, she has gotten bored and chewed a few things!!
I have been working steadily on her fear of touch, using her meals (I hand-feed her) and high-value treats. I started by just rewarding her for allowing the slightest touch, or even just me reaching towards her. At first she would often flinch or back away, poor thing, but we have slowly progressed to where she will allow a few gentle strokes on her head.
Hazel definitely needs patience and someone with experience of scared dogs, but saying that, with continued work I don’t see any reason she shouldn’t continue to progress. I don’t know if she’ll ever be a dog who loves a fuss but I’m sure she can eventually become comfortable with handling. She already enjoys sitting on the sofa with us and you can give her a little nose boop!
Hazel’s wish list for her perfect forever home would be:

  • someone experienced with scared dogs who is willing to patiently work on her fears
  • at least one other confident dog as Hazel really relies on having them around
  • if you have cats they must be confident and used to dogs, Hazel has barked at and chased our more nervous cat
  • someone who can be home with her all the time initially and build up time left as she does have some separation anxiety such as howling/scrabbling doors. 

23-08-24 UPDATE

Hazel has been in foster with us a month now and in the last week we have been able to take her out on her very first walks! She does rely a lot on our two confident dogs for support but seems to be really enjoying herself, it’s lovely to see her out investigating all the smells. She has even been to the beach and seen the sea for the first time! Obviously she is still very much a flight risk so we are very careful when walking her and ensure she is always secure.
We have found Hazel can be a touch barky if she’s unsure of something, but once she realises it’s not a threat she does calm down.
As for her fear of touch, this has been progressing more slowly, but we are seeing gradual improvement. Although she still doesn’t want to be fussed, in general she is a lot less flinchy about hands.
Hazel does still need an experienced home with someone patient and gentle. Picking her up, bathing and grooming are all things I haven’t tried yet while she’s been here with us, I haven’t wanted to push her as it’s clear she does still have the potential to panic. For stuff like putting leads and such on and off, I have to go very slow with her, use treats and allow her the option to move away if it’s too much, else she will get panicky.
Hazel has been okay in the car for short journeys, but is a bit restless and on longer journeys she gets quite car sick at the moment.
I’m so proud of Hazel for how far she’s come, there’s still a way to go but it’s wonderful to see her growing more confident.

01-09-24 UPDATE

Hazel has had a busy week! We took her to a secure dog field to let her have her first go off-lead. She did really well, followed me around and came when she was called, so once her new owners feel she is ready she should be fine off lead. We also took her on her first long walk to pobbles beach and then on to three cliffs bay (see photo!) where again she did really well and seemed to enjoy herself - this longer walk also finally got her tired out! She does need an active home to tire her out, or else she gets bored and finds ways to entertain herself us humans don’t really appreciate!
This week we also tried giving her a bath. She was amazing letting me pick her up, but she did get very scared once she was in the bath. She started taking a few treats at one point, but then it was clear she was getting herself quite stressed, so we took her out again. We’ll try again when her confidence is better.
Some amazing news however is that she is now accepting a gentle fuss - and she even seems to be enjoying it! Considering how scared she was of touch just a few weeks ago, this is huge improvement.
To reiterate what I’ve written in previous updates, Hazel needs an active home with at least one other confident dog, someone patient with experience of scared dogs, and someone who can be at home with her all the time initially and build up time left due to her separation anxiety. Once she has settled in, she should be okay to be left for short periods with the resident dog/s.
Hazel’s car sickness seems to be getting slightly better. She is ok on shorter journeys, just not longer ones.
Hazel's confidence has really come on a lot, she just needs her forever home now!

Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

PLEASE NOTE: We nearly always home dogs who have come from breeders where there is ALREADY A RESIDENT DOG living in the house. They have usually never lived in a house before and are only used to canine company. They usually get their confidence and learn faster with another dog to copy from. This also helps with house training and learning how to walk on a lead. They will make lovely pets but do need a lot of love, time and patience. If the ex breeding dog you are interested in can be an only dog it will say so in its write up. Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

 If your application is successful you will be home checked and you, all members of your family and any dog(s) who will be living with the dog MUST come to meet the dog you want to adopt. All our dogs are micro-chipped, have had at least their first inoculation and are spayed/neutered unless there is a medical reason for not doing so. You must have a safe means of transporting the dog home in a crate or if this is not possible please discuss with Many Tears or the Fosterer when your application is being processed.


Please read our adoption procedures before applying and then complete the adoption form.





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