Rikki ^


Rikki ^ Status: Available

ID: 39781

Name: Rikki ^

Breed: Cocker Spaniel

Age: 6 Years

Gender: Female

Adoption Fee: See below

Location: At Many Tears in
Llanelli, Carmarthenshire

If you are interested in adopting a dog that does not say it can be homed with a cat and wish us to cat test please let us know and we will be happy to do this.


20-11-23 Rikki has come to us from a breeder to find her forever home. She has a Grade 2 heart murmur that will need to be monitored in future and has needed to have 4 teeth removed. She is a very scared girl who is very worried and overwhelmed to find herself here at the moment. She will be looking for a calm and quiet, adult only home where there are no visiting children and with adopters who have experience of scared ex-breeding dogs. She is very worried about human interaction and hasn't yet realised that human hands can be kind, so she will be looking for adopters who will take things slowly at her pace and will offer her lots of love and kindness as she comes out of her shell. Despite being a very scared girl, she doesn't always enjoy sharing her space with other dogs and so will be looking for a home with a calm male dog who is larger than her. She is a sensitive soul with a very sweet nature and deserves all the love in the world. She has never lived in a home before so her adopters will need to be kind and understanding as she settles in and learns all about home life and new skills like house training. She doesn't yet walk on a lead and will need to get used to wearing a harness and lead around the home and garden until she has enough confidence to venture outside. She is looking for very special adopters who will help her to blossom. She has a PET travel document. 

14-12-23 UPDATE

Darling Rikki, so frightened yet so brave. Rikki is a gorgeous 6 year old Cocker Spaniel who arrived with us very nervous of people, but also quite fearful of dogs approaching her or being in her personal space, which has made the usual plan of having a confident dog around to help them progress a bit more difficult. Rikki has shared her kennel amazingly with calm male dogs and so would need to live with a larger male dog.  As Rikki is a scared dog she will require a scared rescue experienced home. She is progressing amazingly and I really don’t think it will take her long, she is walking on a lead well in very quiet areas, but is prone to spooking if anything upsets that peace and quiet, she is also very happy to approach you for food (always a good thing with winning dogs over!), but all in all, she still has a way to go and needs a savvy home who can show her so much love and kindness.
Rikki would be a gem in the right home, she is an incredible companion in the making, she’s gentle, innocent and I believe she will blossom quicker than we think in a home, especially as she is half way there already, but it really needs to be a home where she can have the time she deserves put into her.

02-02-24 UPDATE

Rikki has been at the rescue for a while now. Since coming to the rescue she has seen quite a few of her friends find their new family, but sadly this isn't the case for her yet. She is a very sweet but timid girl who enjoys going for walks if it's a calm and quiet area as she can become skittish with loud noises or cars passing by. She will need someone who has the time to work with her and someone who has experience with rescue dogs, a calm home will also be needed so that she can settle in and not become overwhelmed. At the moment we feel she’d be homed best with a larger male dog. Rikki is going to make an amazing companion she just needs someone to give her a chance and after so many months waiting here, we’re desperate for someone to see just how special she is.

28-02-24 UPDATE

Rikki is a lovely lady who’s confidence has grown massively since she first arrived, and is starting to be one of the most friendly cocker spaniels around. Everytime a human walks into her kennel she gets excited, but as she’s been here for a little while she has grown to know all of us staff members. Rikki can still be a little shy with new people, but now it doesn't take long to come round and she enjoys gentle fusses and cuddles. Rikki will excitedly come up to you and quickly sniff your hand, but will keep her distance if you’re not known to her but you can tell that she is desperately in need of a human to sit with her and show her the kindness and love that she could expect for the rest of her life - it’s what she truly wants and deserves. I am sure if you choose to adopt this beautiful lady, within a couple of days she will find herself brave enough to make that final step and trust someone enough to get close to and she will be your best friend forever.

23-03-24 UPDATE

It was my first time meeting Rikki today and oh my word what a beautiful girl she is! It’s been a joy working with her today and seeing her true character shine in an environment she’s now comfortable with. While Rikki was unsure of me to start with, after abit of encouragement she came over for a little bit of love. I can see Rikki blossoming into a fantastic companion with a little time and patience. Rikki does walk on a lead but does need a little more practice until she’s mastered it.
Rikki is a delightful lady that can be slightly picky with who she likes to share a space with, though is seemingly a fan of larger male dogs so we would love to see her homed with one! Adopters would have to understand that it may take her a little while to settle in the home as initially she would panic and be unsettled, but with a little bit of patience, Rikki will acclimatise and become a lovely companion. Rikki needs someone to give her a chance, and we hope someone out there sees how special she really is.

17-04-24 UPDATE

Rikki is a beautiful red cocker who originally came to us from a breeder, and desperately needs her loving forever home . Rikki unfortunately has become somewhat stuck in her current life, coming from a breeding background she still doesn't quite understand this new world where humans want to shower her with love and affection. She will require a home where she can get all the support and time she needs to build her confidence. If you do have a dog and plan on adopting her, She would definitely need a larger male resident dog who shares their space, and doesn't get jealous . I took Rikki on a walk today, at first she was very timid, needing lots of comfort cuddles to get her through the rescue and out the door. When she got outside she changed into a completely different dog, she wanted to explore absolutely everywhere, I've never seen her so happy. I can only imagine the fantastic progress she'd make in a home if I can do that within 5 minutes.

06-05-24 UPDATE

Rikki is a very special girl who has been in kennels far too long! She walks on a harness, but needs to be with another dog. She loves her food and will take treats from your hand, she loves to snuggle up with her kennel friend, Margate and absolutely dotes on him. She will need a resident dog, who is larger than her and male who will allow her to have her space until she bonds with them. She's so wasted in kennels and is long overdue her forever home.

14-06-24 UPDATE
Rikki and Margate went on a day out to a local country park. They did so well and had such a great time! Click here to see what they got up to!

09-07-24 UPDATE

Rikki is the most beautiful girl you could wish to meet, she loves a gentle fuss from people she knows, loves treats, loves her kennel friends and is just an absolute pleasure to look after in every way. Here she is looking absolutely stunning whilst enjoying the big play yard whilst the sun is shining.

25-07-24 UPDATE
Due to an injury on her tail Rikki has had a partial tail amputation. She is recovering really well and getting lots of cuddles.

16-09-24 UPDATE

Ten months waiting, ten months learning, ten months growing, ten months of being overlooked or let down. I wish I could snap my fingers and transport you to your happy ever after my darling girl, if there's one girl in this entire world that deserves it, its you. The most sweet, loving and beautiful lady I've had the absolute pleasure of looking after. The transformation I've been privy to, the one who you asked for a fuss for the first time, the one who heard your first "awooo", the one who earned your trust fully first. I wish I could bottle all of those moments up and share them with the world, if I could, I know someone would have fallen in love with you by now, just as I have. If things were different, I would have taken you home long ago, but I know there is a better fit for you out there. You may take a while to trust, but once you do, you give your heart completely. I just hope we find your perfect fit before another winter hits and you have to spend it stuck in a place that no matter how hard we try, we can never make it as cosy as a home. You deserve a sofa, a fireplace, a lap to snuggle up on as the winter nights get longer and colder. You deserve the world my Rikki-Roo. You deserve it all. My hope is that you find it, either with your kennel friend Margate, or with a patient and calm male resident dog who will be okay with you struggling to accept them at first. I'll be so happy to see you leave this place, I'll just hold on to all your firsts and know that they set you up for your forever.
Please read Rikkis profile thoroughly before putting in an application, she's been through enough heartache in her life already and needs her next people to be her forever family.

Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

PLEASE NOTE: We nearly always home dogs who have come from breeders where there is ALREADY A RESIDENT DOG living in the house. They have usually never lived in a house before and are only used to canine company. They usually get their confidence and learn faster with another dog to copy from. This also helps with house training and learning how to walk on a lead. They will make lovely pets but do need a lot of love, time and patience. If the ex breeding dog you are interested in can be an only dog it will say so in its write up. Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

 If your application is successful you will be home checked and you, all members of your family and any dog(s) who will be living with the dog MUST come to meet the dog you want to adopt. All our dogs are micro-chipped, have had at least their first inoculation and are spayed/neutered unless there is a medical reason for not doing so. You must have a safe means of transporting the dog home in a crate or if this is not possible please discuss with Many Tears or the Fosterer when your application is being processed.


Please read our adoption procedures before applying and then complete the adoption form.





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