

Thora Status: Available

ID: 36616

Name: Thora

Breed: Brittany Spaniel

Age: 6 Years

Gender: Female

Adoption Fee: See below

Location: In Foster in
Royal Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire

If you are interested in adopting a dog that does not say it can be homed with a cat and wish us to cat test please let us know and we will be happy to do this.

19-07-23 Thora originally came to us from a breeder and was adopted but has been returned. She has an unusual gait and has seen a physiotherapist who believes she could have a touch of arthritis and has prescribed some exercises for her to do but don't be fooled Thora is an active girl who loves being outside and a home with a large garden or land would be wonderful for her.
Thora is a lovely affectionate girl who has a waggy tail, loves cuddles and enjoys going out for walks in quiet places where there aren't many people around. Thora has learned lots of new skills in her previous home and has shown how intelligent she is, Thora will thrive in a home that can provide lots of enrichment and games to help her use her smart mind and ensure she is happy and content.
Thora bonds really well with people once she knows and trusts them however this trust does need to be earned with lots of positive reinforcement and kind gentle words. Thora is quite a confident girl here but as she was quite worried in her new home she will need experienced adopters that can provide reassurance and security for her. She will also need at least one other kidn and confident dog in her new home to be her friend.
Thora is uneasy around strangers and so for this reason she will be looking for an adult only home with someone who has experience with dogs who have had similar behavours. Due to Thora's wariness around strangers especially men it would be best for her to have a quiet calm home where adopters can advocate for Thora, ensuring she has a safe place where she won't be disturbed if there are any strangers present and whilst out in the environment choosing sensible areas that Thora will be able to enjoy her adventures and not be concerned with lots of people. She will need a home without cats or small furries and her adopters will need to be aware of her prey drive and able to manage this on walks. Thora has a passport.

27-01-24 UPDATE

This gorgeous girl has transformed from a squidgy cushion to the athletic working dog she was meant to be.  Thora is simply stunning, the most loving girl to those she trusts and a wonderful addition to any pack. She just wants a forever family to put all her love and energy into, someone who is going to reassure her, protect her space and allow her to be the happy carefree funny little character she is. Her favourite thing is long countryside walks, bird watching in the garden and lots of cuddles.
She’s still strong on the lead but definitely not as frantic, she will need to remain on a long line for walks as has a high prey-drive.
Thora is looking for an active home where she can stimulate her body and brain, I’m sure she’d love to have a go at tracking or man-trailing. We recently enjoyed a holiday in Snowdonia with daily hiking & beach walks, she had the best time and there was zero hind leg stiffness or soreness so I think the previous issue was likely due to excess weight and being in a cold kennel environment.
She travelled fantastically on the 4hr drive and settled easily in the holiday cottage, she doesn’t care where she is as long as she’s with her trusted loved ones. She’s non-reactive to people and dogs out and about with our other dogs, more insecure when on her own. She can take treats from strangers but prefers they have no intentions and don’t remain in her space for too long.
In the home, she is getting more confident with visitors as long as they just give treats and ignore her, she loves our young nephews now that she trusts them and given the right support and training, should continue to improve with growing her trust bubble.
Otherwise, she is just perfect in the home, very calm and easy. Clean and dry, doesn’t steal / destroy anything, loves her toys and her doggy friends. This girl is quirky but so so special, if you’re the right fit, please consider her, she’ll make you her everything.

14-12-23 UPDATE

The gorgeous Thora has been in foster with us for 4 weeks now and is truly a lovely little lady, in fact we’re totally smitten with her!
She’s really laid back and easy in the house; completely clean, only chews her toys, sleeps soundly overnight (out of a crate) with the rest of our dogs, loves a snuggle (dogs or humans) and happily shares her food, attention and toys with everyone here.
Thora is desperate to be someone’s special girl and bonds incredibly strongly with her ‘people’. When she loves you, she loves hard. She struggles with trusting strangers coming into the house, so would be looking for a quiet home without many visiting guests or somewhere with a safe space to go, not a crate. We’re working hard on this with her and she’s improved greatly. Can generally be won over by food and trusting her ‘people’ that the stranger is ok, but she needs supportive training, lots of reassurance and as it comes from a place of fear, to never be told off for making her worries known.
Out and about, when walking with our dogs, she is completely non-reactive to other people and dogs but likes her own space. Thora is a super active girl, very strong on the lead and has an insanely high prey drive. She needs to be walked on a long line or in a fully enclosed dog field. She will pick a bird out of the sky to chase and at this stage I can’t imagine you’d ever be able to recall her off-lead from hunting wildlife, it’s in her DNA! Thora enjoys long countryside walks and would not be a fan of street walking or local parks. Although she looked a bit stiff in her hind leg whilst in kennels, she has shown no signs of lameness whilst here and is always raring to go for walkies, never stiff/sore afterwards and rarely stops running when out. She is on a joint supplement and diet to further help.
Thora needs a home with other dogs, as although she appears pretty independent, she takes great comfort & guidance from watching how the rest of the pack react to things. She enjoys a little play with them and snuggling up of an evening but adores human attention more.
Having Thora in our home is an absolute pleasure, she is always so delighted with any kind attention and has so much love to give. If you feel you can offer her the special forever home she deserves, please complete the form and I’ll be happy to chat through everything in detail with you. 

24-03-24 UPDATE

Thora continues to love living as part of our pack. She bonds quickly to those closest to her and when she trusts you, you can do anything with her. Easy to wash, brush, clip nails, clean teeth, etc. She loves being outside in the garden watching the birds come and go. A large garden or land with very secure fencing would be her dream.
Thora has fully accepted and adores our young nephews but still worries and struggles in accepting adults in the home. A family with few visitors would be ideal along with a safe place to go as she gets used to new people.
Thora is muzzle trained and doesn’t mind wearing it so visits to vets, etc can still be done safely. This little girl has been let down time and time again and had her communication skills shut down in the past. She not surprisingly struggles to trust people and needs reassurance that she can make the right decisions and not to be told off for making a wrong one as it comes from a place of fear.
She’s an absolute love bug and makes us smile every day as her cheeky little character shines through. We have been playing with some tracking training and running in harness but she is quite content with going out on the long line daily and having a couple of off-lead runs in an enclosed dog field once or twice a week. Low energy at home and happy to sleep wander round the garden all day. Please consider this darling girl, I truly hope her special person is out there, she will make you her everything. 
04-06-24 UPDATE

This gorgeous little lady is so settled in her foster home and is an absolute delight to have around. She has recently welcomed in a new foster brother and is being extremely tolerant of his boisterous behaviour, teaching him the ropes & engaging in play on her terms. We’re so proud of her! With people outside of her family, she just wants space to learn to trust and no pressure. A safe space to go in the home and you advocating for her in not allowing strangers into her personal space bubble is all that is really required for her to remain confident & not react. She loves her walks and running in harness so much. She loves a game of ball in the garden. She’s so active and enjoys being out and about with her family. Loves to play and snuggle up with the other dogs and adores being brushed / stroked. Please consider this absolute treasure, she is such a funny character and deserves to be someone’s whole world.  

09-08-24 UPDATE 

Thora is a complex little girl who has some deep-rooted fear towards strangers. She is trying very hard to trust people outside of her immediate foster family and with slow, carefully managed introductions with zero pressure, she has managed to actually make an adult friend! This is huge for her! She recently spent a week in Wales on holiday with us and climbed several mountains, had the best time chasing seagulls and swimming at the beach and was so well behaved in the cafes and out & about in the van. Her prey drive is still incredibly strong so she remains on the long-line. We’re working hard with training games to stimulate & hopefully control her drive. In the home she is simply the perfect guest. She’s so cheeky, flops on you for a cuddle, paws at you if you stop stroking and does the cutest little bounces when excited. Her tail wags so fast it’s like a propeller! Thora would like a home with doggy friends, without many visitors and a secure outside space to bird-watch all day. She loves sunbathing and a paddling pool in the warmer weather. This little lady really deserves her happy ever after having been let down by humans too many times in her life. If you think you can offer her this, please get in touch. 

Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.


PLEASE NOTE: We nearly always home dogs who have come from breeders where there is ALREADY A RESIDENT DOG living in the house. They have usually never lived in a house before and are only used to canine company. They usually get their confidence and learn faster with another dog to copy from. This also helps with house training and learning how to walk on a lead. They will make lovely pets but do need a lot of love, time and patience. If the ex breeding dog you are interested in can be an only dog it will say so in its write up. Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

 If your application is successful you will be home checked and you, all members of your family and any dog(s) who will be living with the dog MUST come to meet the dog you want to adopt. All our dogs are micro-chipped, have had at least their first inoculation and are spayed/neutered unless there is a medical reason for not doing so. You must have a safe means of transporting the dog home in a crate or if this is not possible please discuss with Many Tears or the Fosterer when your application is being processed.


Please read our adoption procedures before applying and then complete the adoption form.





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