Sylvia's Diary 31-05-24
Our Wonderful Volunteer Vets, A Little Cavalier called Winnie, Giant Cuddly Pups and Our Poor Feline Friends
What can you say about Wales? Yes, I know it's green and beautiful, but boy is it wet!!!! And it's so much easier to smile when the sun is shining. However, for some, namely the new ex-breeding dogs who are learning to settle into our routine, every day is a day full of smiles. These beautiful gentle souls have learnt to walk on a harness, play in our lovely play yards and to recognise their carers and greet them happily - all of these are huge deals for these dogs. I know the wonderful feeling it is to help these dogs on the way to their new homes and new lives.
This week I spent a lot of time lying in bed when I should have been asleep wondering what I can do to help these dogs further. I know the answer is really to get them into a foster home asap so they can have more one-to-one help with great human fosterers and good, kind, well-loved and trustful canines to be their role models. However, the reality is there are just not enough amazing fosterers around for all the dogs that come through this rescue and I wish we had more.
I truly wish money was not a problem, that we did not have to worry week to week about the finances, that we too could afford a big flashy advertisement on TV with specially composed lyrics and music to back it up, that apparently will bring in thousands of pounds in donations, but we don’t as I prefer to spend the sort money it costs to advertise directly on dogs needing help instead. I guess I am just not a good business woman. Imagine this though, a room with a pool where all dogs could play and learn to swim, the old and the young, the disabled, all free to enjoy the water. Yes, it's just a dream, but what a dream it is...
The Cane Corsa pups are still here with us and looking for their perfect homes. They are like mini bulldozers and when they decide they will sit on your small lap which is already occupied with three (two of which are too many!) they just bulldoze their way into the mix and there is little anyone can do… bar get squashed! If anyone does adopt them ever, they will be amazed at what big babies they are. They are all getting on so well at learning to walk on the lead and are walking out daily. Volunteers love their company and they seem very content and happy here, but they eat tons of food and need a lot of love. They will need good guidance in their new homes so they can grow up just as perfect as a cavalier pup... only rather a lot bigger!
Today a lovely golden retriever started to give birth. She really does not look pregnant, and only when about to be spayed did the vet think her belly felt unusual so scanned her. We were all so surprised as the pup was nearly full size so due very soon. Only one was seen on the scanner, but sometimes there can be more unseen. It was a worrying time, as I feared she may need a c-section, and if so this makes it so much harder for the mum to bond with her new pups and stillbirth is a very sad but real possibility. At the end of the day when I had checked her so many times my fears became a reality and this dear girl was taken to our vet for a c-section. One pup was born and needed to be resuscitated. Please send your good thoughts and prayers for this sweet pup and his Mum, I can only hope all goes well and he survives and I hope to bring you good, happy news of this in my next blog.
Our new vet starts on July 15th, but until then we rely on heroes like Jane, a sweet kind homeopathic vet who comes to spay for us and has taught us all the powers in her passion of homeopathy. Also, Siriol and her hubby, who work through their breaks so that more dogs can be seen and so more can be ready to go to new homes or to foster homes. Then there is Tom, a big, tall, kind and cheerful Austrian vet who has come so many times after his own 8-hour day vet work and neuters for us in the evenings. Also Mel, who loves to kayak but so many days that should have been her days off, she comes to help us instead. There are so many more too and I can only tell you how lovely they all are and so happy to help our dogs. One, Wendy is even, along with her friend, getting us a blood analysing machine. I could go on and on about the veterinary world helping me but I will end with Emerald vets a local practice who have supported us for years, who X-ray our dogs that need this, and Sarah the vet nurse there who operates the X-ray machine. These people have helped our dogs now for over 20 years, always being so kind and helpful, squeezing our canine charges in at the last minute. THANK YOU ALL.
This week we have all been working with Winnie, a really dear little very exhausted Cav. She’s just a little dot and came in underweight and walking with a very unusual gait. We all enjoyed enticing her to eat, but in turn that upset her belly. On top of this we had her x-rayed and found that many years ago her pelvis had been broken, and this had mended badly. Because of her poorly belly, she was isolated until she better, and she has had lots of real one to one time with us. I know what she wants, she wants a special Cavvy home to nurture her and treat her like the princess she is. A home where there are other cavaliers or even just one cav that would allow her to snuggle with them, She breaks my heart thinking of all she has missed out on, so now is the time to pile on the love. I do so hope I can say she has a home in my next diary entry, but in these tough times where new homes and funds are very low, and the number of unwanted dogs and cats and even horses too is very high, well who knows.
The local council have just called with three VERY urgent cats that need somewhere to go. The family that own them are being evicted and the cats have nowhere to go. The council have no idea how long it will take to find a permanent home for the humans, so the family are forced to give up their three cats, one of which is elderly. This is heart breaking for all, even the sweet lady from the council was very upset and we will help them. Poor humans and very poor felines.
Thank you again for your support, kind words and time and love you give to our charges. If you feel you could make a donation to our rescue and help us to continue please do.
Thank you