Sylvia's Diary 23-08-24
Chilly Days, Heart Operations, Fund Raising and A Broken Back!
This morning at 5am in the middle of August I had to wrap up in layers as it was SO cold. Usually, we do not have to have heat lamps on at this time of the year but almost all summer we have had to. I can see why people wish to escape to warm, sunny countries to try to recharge their batteries. I personally can never go anywhere without looking at the politics of a country towards animals. Turkey is a place so many choose for their holiday, but did you know that if you are there and see a dog stray on the street, he or she is in great danger. I was told that a bill has been passed to cull the strays and they are being shot on the streets in front of anyone there. I have got caught up with strays everywhere I travel and ended up bringing them home, some in the past I paid for long 6 months quarantine and then homed. I just could not bear to try to enjoy a holiday whilst this was going on. If you feel as I do please sign this petition
Two tiny munchkins arrived this week with severe heart murmurs. As you hold them you can feel their little hearts vibrate. We are thinking they have holes in their hearts. This can be corrected with a little balloon like device, at the cost of around £6,000 each, and this is chargeable even if the operation isn’t a success. At this time where we have so many huge operations I am truly worrying how this year will pan out for Many Tears. My job is not just as a CEO but also I have to worry for the future of the rescue and the day to days worries. All this seems impossible some days.
We have been blessed with some amazing homes for our dogs this last week and this has truly lifted our spirits despite the lack of sunshine. On top of that two of the Ukrainian dogs went to foster homes and settled in so well. We are still getting daily calls from owners, police, pounds and relatives of ill or deceased owners to take dogs. This week three due to die at a pound today have been accepted. So many cats are being called in, so I guess all the cat rescues round here must be full. If the cats have no other options we have tried to squeeze them in. Up to this date we have saved them all despite only having a very small facility for cats. In my mind the cats would come into the cattery do their quarantine time of a few weeks to ensure they are well then be moved to a cat hotel with sitting room, exercise facilities and all the luxuries of the Ritz…. but that’s maybe not in my lifetime. For the time being we are saving them and though not luxurious, their quarters are warm and comfy and clean for the time being.
Jenna is doing a boot sale this week, and I am brainstorming how to raise funds to equal the huge monthly bills which exceeds £150,000 a month. 75 paid staff (mostly full time), surgery costs, electrics, van maintenance and so on - the costs are enormous.
The dog wardens just bought in this pitiful little Frenchie today. We will work hard to help her and start with putting her on a raw diet and giving her meds and Echinacea boost her immune system along with some Vitamin C. We will name her today.
It’s been yet another really hard week to get through. I had to say goodbye to the most precious dog ever and the grief would have been too much if it was not for the distractions here (of which there are so many this week) but when quiet or lying in the dark his memories consume me.
I am still not feeling well and although twice I've spent hours in hospital awaiting help twice I have now (7 weeks later) been told by my GP I have a fractured L4 of my spine. The NHS is broken!!!!
We have puppies coming out of our ears, mistaken litters unsold pups and puppies bought and not wanted and so on and so on. We have a link you may be interested in for a free will service, it can be used whether you choose to help us at the end or not, so I will include it for you to have a look at.
Well that’s a few things that have happened this week in my life. Thank you for reading this and caring. Your donations to help the dogs in Cyprus will help and a few will be saved. The rescue out there is also trying to raise the funds, so let's hope enough comes in to not have to leave any we had said yes to.
I often try to brainstorm about raising significant funds, and this week have had to think very hard, as funds are going down very quickly. I looked around my home at things people have given that I have kept as they remind me of memories or things I own or relatives have given or left. I thought I really don’t want or need all this but would hate to sell also. So I thought what about rounding up some thing each that would be worth auctioning off for the rescue. If you agree, would you let us know and maybe if enough came in we could do something truly special. It could be an antique, an instrument, a saddle, jewellery, please take a look. We are not looking for jumble for this but something special to truly help.
Thanks as always