Sylvia's Diary 07-11-24
A Web of Lies And Deception and The Many Dogs Who Suffered Because Of It
How wrong can you be?
Last week there was a call from a lady who was desperate for our help. She said she had 30 dogs that needed picking up, but that she wanted to keep 10. She was asked if she was a breeder and she said no. Just that no one would help her and from her original two dogs she now had 30 as they had mated and had pups and then more. We asked her if she had tried elsewhere and she said she had and even gave the names of rescues. I decided to take a look and that I should go with a van, park down the road and get Chelsea to come in with me to assess the situation. We knocked on the door and were let into a room of about 10 x12 feet with a baby gate to the kitchen and in the kitchen were too many dogs to even count. The lady’s mum of 85 years old said she was embarrassed. I was told that the dogs never went in the garden as neighbours had complained about them making noise, so they never went back out there and the smell of them all urinating in the house was indescribable, except to say my eyes were streaming.
There were newborn pups, 4–5-week-old pups, juveniles and adults. The woman said no one would help her and the situation got worse and worse as the dogs had nappies on when in season but got them off and so more more puppies were made (I was lost for words). I looked at the poor dogs who were not in good condition and said we would take them all.
Joe was called and he pulled up in the van. Chelsea handled the scared dogs with all her years of knowledge and expertise and no one could have done a kinder better job. The mum helped and I documented what we took. As less and less dogs in the house I could hear the daughter more and more. She told me how she loved them and how she cared and thanked me so much. I have to admit I was not very kind and honestly told her how her home stunk, how bad the dogs' condition were and that she had caused this suffering. She cried but honestly it was a lot to take in. I did not even think of the huge cost Many Tears would endure with this rescue.
We got down to the last 10 that she wanted to keep. I explained that 10 is still too many for her and this home. I initially said none at all was better but 2 is plenty and we will take those now to spay neuter and return as long as you clean up this home and make it right for them to live. She said she could not part with the 10 and after a lot of negotiation we compromised on 4 dogs that she could keep once they were neutered. We loaded all the dogs from the house except one dog that they said was their sons whilst he was on holiday, and he was collecting the next day. I explained that the condition of the dogs was not acceptable, and she agreed it was all out of hand and I believed her.
We got home with 49 dogs, all but the one that was her sons, and we believed her and believed we were helping her. There were three vets at Many Tears and a registered vet nurse who all were upset and shocked that this many dogs lived in a tiny house and their bad condition. We bathed them all and of the four we said we would return when spayed and neutered, one was in good condition but one was blind and the two others were full of mange. I called the lady and had the vets speak to her but she was adamant she wanted all 4 back.
The night before we were due to take the 4 dogs back to her, I awoke at 2am and could not get the dogs of my mind. There was something niggling at my mind and I got so worried. In the morning, I told Chelsea of my fears. We had got together a care package of spot ons, shampoos, harnesses, coats, bed baskets and food, as well as a statement for her to sign to agree that she would be taking them to regular vet appointments and that Many Tears were allowed to access their info at the vets. I asked Chelsea to go with Joe and park down the road with the dogs. She was to knock on the door and go in and explain about the signature needed and what it was for. She was also to look around see if they had started to clean up, check the garden etc before giving the dogs.
Chelsea went to the house and Joe stayed with the dogs in the vehicle. The dog that they said was the sons was still there and actually tried to attack Chelsea. The daughter had to stand in his way and keep him back. Chelsea then found a man hiding in the house, concealing another dog and when she looked the dog was in terrible condition. Chelsea said you told us you had no other dogs and said we would take that one too. The women said no she was keeping that one.
Chelsea called me and I said that she had lied to us and now we cant trust her word. She may not take the other dogs to have regular check ups etc and I was worried about returning any of the dogs to her now. There was a lot of shouting by the lady and Chelsea told her that all of this is because of what she had done, the state of the house and the state of the poor dogs. We the vets statements and pictures we had she was not backing down and leaving more dogs with her. The dog was handed over and the women shouted "have them all then!" and a release form was signed.
Chelsea called me again, I asked her to go to the neighbour who seemed to be very interested and tell her what had happened. That 50 dogs lived in the house and we had taken them leaving only one now - the one who was said to belong to a son. She asked her to keep an eye on things, in case they were hiding more but are on their way back now.
I feel sick. I nearly returned dogs to a person I believed was just in trouble but was clearly a hoarder and not honest. How may dogs have died at this home? I have no idea. My trust for humans is VERY low this week.
Since getting these poor dogs home I have received emails and a video from neighbours saying they had reported this situation for some time. That NO dog was ever walked there. That they stopped them going in the garden after noise complaints months ago. That dogs were heard fighting and screaming and the hoarders yelled at them constantly. I was in two minds to let you see the video which shows a dog being mauled and the daughter and husband beating many with broom and other garden tools but decided there is no point making you as upset as I feel at this time. Let's dwell on the positive. The dogs are saved, being loved and being cared for. Neighbours are watching the property and will call us as requested. I have tried to talk to the right people about this case and believe someone is calling round. The one dog on the property they say belongs to the relative will be looked at if still there. To us he had been very aggressive but possibly was just terribly upset as clearly no visitors ever came.
We know now what these dogs have seen and endured, so when someone said "these are the ugliest pups I have ever seen", Chelsea and I could have wept. They all seem to be terrier mixes possibly with a Shar Pei. They weigh around 7-11 kilos and although they were fed I think food was thrown on the floor so only the weak are under fed. It clearly was not good food as their teeth whether young or older all have tartar and their nails are very long, soft and hollow. Their skin is generally bad with demodex mange that is being treated and their patchy fur already is starting to shine thanks to Arden Grange. Their good food is changing their condition rapidly.
They all are having baths and to start with it was to clean their urine saturated bodies, now its to get rid of bacteria on their skin. They are starting to trust us, although one or two are still very scared. Brooms REALLY scare them and we are now praying the public will want to help. They need socialising, learning to walk on leads, fosterers and adopters. All are by donation, all if old enough are spayed/neutered, chipped, kennel cough vaccinated ,wormed, spot-ons given and inoculated. This is a huge expense, but they are SO worth it.
As you can hear, it’s been a very sad week. A little bichon poodle cross given to us very thin on investigation was in kidney failure and even with all the vets attempts could not be saved. A darling 8-day chunky retriever pup died without clear reason. Our liver shunt boy Lux is doing badly and having a CT scan which is many thousands of pounds to determine if he can be saved or needs to be helped to fall asleep forever. The poor fosterers who have had to go through this kind of thing so many times are suffering now too. A poor little chihuahua needing his bi-lateral slipping patella repaired came in. He has had a specialist look and will be operated on 13th November and we will need to raise BIG funds for that too.
Now the good things....
Dogs are being adopted; that’s always great.
Star who came in with such terrible injuries when her previous owners dog had mauled her went to foster all healed up, well and waggy.
Beryl who makes wonderful Christmas wreaths and items to sell redecorated the shop and had make fantastic goods to sell.
Many vets came and helped with the 50 dogs all voluntarily.
It's not raining either!
Also our wonderful supporter Vicky Pattison appeared on Celebrity Tipping Point and raised an amazing £2,400 for the rescue! We are so honoured to have been her chosen charity and for all the continued support she gives us. Vicky, you are amazing and we are so grateful for everything you do.
I am pushing myself to the limit. I have a great handyman putting up new shelves in the vets. I have worked very early morning and late at night to make a VERY big difference. Our drug cupboard and work surfaces are clear and there is room to work easier.
Bill and Joyce have had to drive all over the place to pick up dogs too. We are understaffed and advertising for new people so as you can hear we are all very busy indeed.
I am still trying to get together great items for a SPECIAL CHRISTMAS AUCTION. The idea is you (if possible) would donate something special for us to auction knowing it will go to a good cause. Then others who are stuck not knowing what to buy a loved one may bid and win one of these items and with it know it will help the dogs at Many Tears. It’s so important to me to make this a success so please, please help me with it, especially now there are 50 more inmates to worry about, all of which are not cute and fluffy.
Thank you everyone for helping us continue. We are only able to help these dogs and other animals because of you all.
Sylvia x