Sylvia's Diary 03-05-24

A Tough Week of Worries, Hope, and Dedication: A Glimpse into the Challenges of Rescue Life

Week one million and one of 2024.  Yes, I know it’s not but it really feels like it is. It’s been a super busy worrying week. I am writing this on the boat yet again (the only cruise I know!) on the way to Ireland. I was not going to go this week, but heard of some dogs being put to sleep, so I came.  Saturday nights are my special night (supposedly). Once I finish work, I try not to work all evening. This Saturday Bill and I agreed to watch a  film. I was really looking forward to this but then I wasn’t. A phone call changed everything. A very upset lady called who was desperate for somewhere to take  her beloved dog at that very moment at night. It took her well over an hour to find us. As I walked out of the house I could hear her sobbing uncontrollably. She was having to leave the area, her beloved dog, her life, immediately. Her dog, a wonderful black lab watched her intensely, wagging trying to get her attention. She signed her over and I took the  dog to kennels, turned on her heater and rushed back to make sure the lady was ok to drive. After a while she left and I went back to see the dog. She had long spaghetti like drools hanging off her lips. She sat at  the kennel door worrying. I gave her a pig’s ear and stroke but she was  so upset. I went up to see Bill (now in bed), then went down to see the dog again. The sight was the same, so I went in and lay on her duvet and she lay beside me until about 2am when I snuck away. 

In the early hours I took her out and played with her. My staff got word of her story and all morning staff visited her, walked with her and comforted her until she was a wagging happy girl enjoying life again. The staff decided to do a special video to find her a home. Now she’s booked in with our vet schedule to be spayed on Tuesday. 

Up here in Wales life is very hard for many, the cost of living is high, the amount of government help low. It’s almost impossible to get a dentist unless you go private. If you have a problem and need surgery the waiting list is years. The nurses are just paid enough and work very long shifts, dogs lose their homes each day just because people lose their homes, jobs, partners, etc. It’s MISERABLE. Especially for the dog who has no idea why his family is gone. There are so many reasons dogs are losing their homes but these dogs are the saddest ones to be in kennels by far as they have known the good life. My staff are incredible, the compassion they have, the devotion they show, I am so so  lucky to be surrounded by them.

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Last  week, Joyce picked up Dot - a Frenchie from our agent in Ireland (she was rescued there along with her friend, who the vet could not save).  Dot had an ulcer that had burst in her eye, her other eye had severe eye  pressure problems. Bill, bless him, went out at night to a chemist open  late and got a special prescription of eye drops to try and help her.  By Monday we will know if these are helping, if not she will need not only one eye out (the ruptured eye), but also the high blood pressure eye. The plan is for a vet to take her eye pressure, if its gone up we rush her to a specialist. If the pressure keeps going down we continue using the drops. I have seen many many ex-breeding dogs that lose both eyes. They go into a complete melt down, deep depression, sit miserable for weeks. This is very hard for them and desperate for those who love them, like me. I so hope I can report something happy later this week but I think it’s in God’s hands as we are doing all we can. 

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Well, its late now, I must try to sleep so I am strong to get around to all I need to pick up from tomorrow. It's been a long long drive up here and the boat was late in, I am exhausted and yes worrying about tomorrow. 

Next day, up early thinking of Dot, life cannot be that mean to a little ex-breeder who has never seen the beach, the sea, riverbanks and meadows. I say out loud as I drive the van with only dogs in cages to witness “please God, let Dot keep at least one eye”. The vets to arrive at 9am, so I pull over to call. I can hardly contain myself. Great, amazing, fantastic news, her eye pressure has decreased a little! We are  not out of the woods yet but we are heading in the right direction. I am excited, though have a migraine starting. 

Now, nearly 4pm, watering 30 plus dogs, only 3 vaguely walk on leads so not able to exercise all the dogs in case they get spooked and I lose them here. It’s been a very long day but at last it’s stopped raining. I  have had a breeder call to pick up dogs near home, so Bill is going out  to do that. Still no vets have applied for our job. So much going on in  my head, I wish I could find peace for all the dogs and me.

On my way back home, last dog loaded (stinking of fox), I’m about to leave for Belfast port and I got  terrible news. Bill has been found collapsed. They had rushed him to hospital. I am now on a different ferry to Scotland that leaves earlier so I can get back to him faster. I will drive through the night and my amazing staff will be there to support me so I can go to the hospital. The dogs on board are all so special and I just know tomorrow will be the start of an amazing new start for them all.

I come home, dump the van and dogs with any extra instructions and fly to the hospital broken. I get back from the hospital to find staff all respectfully leaving me alone. The place was buzzing, dogs bathed, having vet health checks and everyone working so hard. Even the stinky collie (now called Lucy) I picked up was smelling better.

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Joyce had picked up the dogs for us too that Bill wasn’t able to and Dot’s eye pressure remains better, she has an appointment on Friday to see the specialist.

It’s been a tough week, but Bill and the dogs are all alive, the rescue’s still running, dogs lives are being saved. We need a vet and to  win the lottery but lives are being saved every day, so I have a lot to  thank God for.

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