Lily - Happy Ending

Lilly (MT Ella)

Dear Many Tears I thought you might like to know how Lily is getting on since I was lucky enough to adopt her at the end of October 24. She has taken her time to settle in to home life, has been very good with my other 4 dogs (3 from MT) who have all accepted her in to the pack. She seemed to be terrified of the garden so house training is still on going but getting better. She was also very frightened of being given treats even cocktail sausages which she would not have ( I have never had a Labrador that turned down food! ) also bowls were another no no but again seems better now although she will not drink out of the water bowl in the kitchen prefers the one outside. She is very good on the lead but still nervous when we meet people so don’t feel confident to let her off just yet. She is the most gorgeous girl very gentle and loves her bed and being nice and warm with all the comforts of home life. I would really recommend adopting one of these dogs all the ones I’ve adopted have been wonderful, very happy and love being in a home environment. I would definitely do it all again, they just need time, patience and lots of love. Thank you for letting me adopt Lily she is very much loved and part of the family. I’ll keep knitting for you and collecting stamps. Love Penny Coral