The object of Lily’s Lotto is to raise funds for Many Tears Animal Rescue (Registered Charity: 1192227).
The lottery is open to all supporters of Many Tears Animal Rescue who are over the age of 18.
The Board of Trustees and staff are not allowed to join but their friends and family are.
Anyone wanting to take part in Lily’s Lotto must do so via the Many Tears Website where applicants will be directed to Enthuse to complete their application and payments.
All names are allocated a number in accordance with the order an application is received.
Entry will be by payment of £2.00 for each ticket purchased. Entrants can purchase as many tickets as they want but please gamble responsibly.
Collection of payment will be administered by Enthuse who take care of all payment administration on behalf of Lily’s Lotto.
The draw will be conducted monthly. Entrants can be made up until midnight on the last day each month and a random number generator will be used to select the winners at the start of each month.
The monthly draw will be administered by Sarah Jones and Yvonne Watts who have been appointed to do so by Sylvia Van Atta, CEO of Many Tears Animal Rescue and the winner’s name will be published on Many Tears Animal Rescue website to ensure transparency. Tickets will be picked from the 1st winner to the 4th winner in sequence to ensure transparency.
If a member has taken out a monthly subscript to the lottery they will have been deemed to have left if their subscription is not received.
A secure register will be maintained for each member, recording their personal details of email, name, address, telephone number and the number(s) allocated to them. Bank details of winners will also be stored for auditing purposes and the return of any winnings. By being a participant in the lottery you have expressly given your consent to this.
Prize awards will be sent to the four winners within 16 days of the draw, providing they have completed the confirmation of prize document and ID has been provided to prove their age, name and address.
If a winner cannot be contacted or fails to claim their prize, the winnings will be placed into Many Tears Animal Rescue Funds after three months of being unclaimed. It is the Responsibility of ALL Members of the lottery to advise of any changes to their personal details these should be sent to
The total prize fund will be based on the total ticket sales received and verified for each monthly draw.
The Lottery is registered and a Gaming License has been issued by Carmarthenshire Council under the Gabling Act 2005.