Support Many Tears Animal Rescue

Fundraise Your Way!

Support Many Tears Animal Rescue – Fundraise Your Way!

We’re incredibly grateful to everyone who helps us raise much-needed funds. We receive no government funding and rely entirely on the generosity of volunteers and donations. If you’d like to fundraise for us, here are some fun and creative ways to get involved:

  • Take on a challenge – run a marathon, go for a sponsored walk (maybe with fellow dog walkers!), cycle, swim, or even bungee jump!
  • Host a coffee morning or cake sale at work or with friends
  • Get creative and sell your handmade crafts
  • Organise a car boot sale
  • Set up a street or store collection in your local area
  • See if your workplace or school will allow a sponsored Dress Down Day
  • Hold a Quiz Night at your local pub, village hall, or community center
  • Collect used stamps or foreign currency
  • Contact local businesses to see if they would be interested in hosting one of our collection tins

    Online Fundraising Pages

    There are several online platforms that are extremely useful for hosting fundraisers. We are registered with GoFundMe and would highly recommend using them for your fundraising! When setting up your fundraiser you can select Many Tears Animal Rescue as your charity of choice and then they will take care of all of the logistics, handle the donations and ensure that they reach us safely. It will also give your supporters confidence that their donations are going directly to the rescue.

    If you’d like to create a fundraising page using GoFundMe or any other platforms, we’d love to hear from you first! Please email us at with details of your fundraiser and the wording you would like to use on your page.

    However you choose to help, we truly appreciate your support. Good luck, have fun, and don’t forget to let us know about it - we’d love to cheer you on and share your amazing efforts!