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  • Human family requirements

    I would love an active family that understand and have experience with sighthounds.

  • Other pet requirements

    I could live with other dogs, or as an only dog! I cannot live with cats.

  • House and garden requirements

    I need a large secure garden where I can run and play.

  • Out and about requirements

    I am very active, typical sighthound who loves to chase.

  • Training needs

    I am still young and my adopters will need to continue with my training.

  • Medical issues

    I was a little underweight and to fix this I get loads of treats - YUMMY!

Saint has come from a home where her owner was made homeless and made the devastating decision to rehome her dogs. It is obvious that Saint and her friends have been very well loved and cherished, and we have made a promise to their owner that we will do our very best by them, just like she did. Saint is described as having a friendly demeanor and thinks that everyone is a potential friend. She loves to put her paws up on you for cuddles and even does the cutest smile! Saint is unsure of her size, and if you let her she will sit directly in your lap. She loves a cuddle and will be the first one in bed at bedtime waiting for her nightly snuggles. Saint came to us a little underweight and this has been managed with a hearty and healthy diet, and of course plenty of treats.

Saint has now moved to a foster home where she can again, enjoy the luxuries of home life. She is a typical, adolescent sighthound that loves to chase - and so this is something that her adopters will need to manage. She walks well on the lead, but will lurch forward if she sees something that she wants to chase and so her adopters will need to ensure she is kept on lead unless in a secure, enclosed area. She greets other dogs well on a walk and is very friendly with them, or will ignore them. When she is out and about with no distraction, her recall is good - but as soon as she spots a bird she would like to chase then she is off! She is desperate to enjoy foraging in woods and hedgerows. As she is still so young, her adopters are working with an animal behaviourist with her training and this is something that any potential adopter would need to continue on with. Saint is such a lovely dog and in the home she is calm, gentle, playful and well behaved and a pleasure to have around.

Can live with other dogs

This dog can be homed with a resident dog.