
Bruno, the gentle giant (as giant as a Bulldog can be, but don't tell him that) has come leaps and bounds since first coming to us from a breeder. Bruno has a relaxed demeanor about him. He didn't care too much to be the bouncy and loud dog or the overly charming dog, he just kept to himself and because of this was pushed to the back of the kennel when people would pass and unfortunately was overlooked. Bruno would watch and learn from his kennel mates and overtime began to understand that us humans aren't so bad and would allow us to give him a gentle fuss. The more his confidence grew, the more his personality began to shine, and he started to greet us with a waggy bum and a big bright look in his eyes. Because of how much he flourished in the kennels, he has found himself in a foster home where he is learning skills that will help him be successful in his forever home. Bruno has come to us with a cherry eye that has been repaired twice, but may need future attention. He also has an undershot jaw, but this does not seem to slow him down, nor would he let it affect the amount of treats he is able to chew. To no surprise at all, Bruno has absolutely thrived in foster and as a typical Bulldog he has learned that he is a major foodie, that being clean in the house gets you treats, and he is even responding to his name! Bruno is working on walking in a straight line while on a lead, instead of the zigzag pattern he would much more prefers. Bruno will need a kind resident dog of similar demeanor as he loves his four-legged companions, but one with a bit too much energy for Bruno can become too overwhelming. Bruno can also live with dog-savvy teenagers, as long as they don't mind a food vacuum for a dog. Seriously, watch your sandwiches, he's quicker than he looks!
Can live with other dogs
This dog can be homed with a resident dog.