
Louise is a gorgeous girl that has thrived in her foster home since coming to us from a breeder. Louise was originally a very frightened lady that would not allow anyone within 3 ft of her. After a lot of patience and work at Louise's pace from both her kennel mum and foster mum, Louise will now allow you to handle her in short stints for things like grooming, and picking her up to put her in the doggy buggy. Originally Louise would panic when she had a harness placed on her or was approached to be handled. Now, she loves to go on a walk and is happy to have her harness on. She even gives you a very excited bark to let you know she is happy! She has not only found her voice, but she has found some confidence along the way. Louise will need a resident dog to look to in the home as she continues to learn about trust and companionship. Louise will also need a patient and experienced home that understands her needs and requirements. Such as, she likes for relationships to go at her own pace, she doesn't particularly want a fuss or to cuddle, but enjoys watching from the sidelines. A woman who knows what she wants and we respect her for it. Louise has surpassed milestones since being in a home, and in the right environment can only continue to improve.
Can live with other dogs
This dog can be homed with a resident dog.