Fancy Pants

Fancy Pants is a worried girl who is brave and inquisitive but is still learning about human companionship and trust. Originally, Fancy Pants came to us from a breeder completely shut down and unable to overcome her fears. After a lot of patience and slow progress, Fancy Pants graduated from the kennels and into a home where she could begin her journey learning about home life. In the kennels, Fancy Pants would shy away hoping to hide from us humans in hopes that she would go unnoticed. Now, she is coming out of her shell and her overall demeanor has gone from scared and defensive to relaxed and waggy tailed. Fancy Pants will need a calm and adult only home with a kind resident dog to look to as she continues writing her life's story. Fancy Pants' foster mum is now working with her on harness training and she is currently wearing a snuggle coat to get used to the feeling and is experiencing outside noises in the safety of a crate a she gets used to the outdoors. Fancy Pants will require some time and patience as she continues to learn about human affection and attention but the end result would be so rewarding for both herself and her lucky adopters.
Can live with other dogs
This dog can be homed with a resident dog.