
Slumber, who was once withdrawn and just going through the motions is now living like there is a purpose and is excited to see tomorrow. Like most ex-breeding dogs, we can't imagine what she may have gone through but we can only assume. When Slumber first came to us, she was very submissive and was completely unsure of us humans. Now, Slumber is flourishing slowly and surely into a stereotypical silly and outgoing Husky who wants to be outdoors at all times and is becoming a star on a harness. Although Slumber is making grand improvements, she still shows us that she is just that shy little girl that came to us all of those months ago and likes to take her spot right at your side for some reassurance. Slumber can be a little cheeky and mischievous, and even though she thinks we don't notice or maybe she thinks we aren't looking, we are and it makes us so happy to see her playful side. But, for now, we will let her believe she is in her own little four-legged world, as long as she is happy! Slumber will need another resident dog in the home, preferably one that is her size that doesn't mind a bit of play time, and a lot of nap time. Slumber's new adopters should be aware and mindful of her past, and allow her the time she needs to settle in and grow the special bond between human and dog she is craving.

This special dog is one of our Diamonds in the Ruff!
These wonderful souls may be older, have medical needs, or come with a few unique quirks—but they have endless love to give. Full of personality and deserving of a second chance, they come with a reduced adoption fee to help them find the perfect home. Could you be the one to give them the love they’ve been waiting for?
See more of our Diamonds in the Ruff hereCan live with other dogs
This dog can be homed with a resident dog.