
Have you ever been cuddled by a dog so hard yet so comforting, that it literally melts your soul and makes you feel as if there couldn't possibly be any other problems in the world? Well if you haven't received a sweet hug from Sheyla, then you probably haven't felt this yet. As cliche as it may sound, Sheyla is one of those dogs that will rescue you, just as much as you have rescued her. Sheyla has come to us from Ukraine via War Paws Rescue and we can never imagine what Sheyla has gone through in her past, or what she has had to overcome but we are so grateful to have her here with us, and to have the opportunity to feel her love and to get to know her. Sheyla has flourished in the time that she has been with us, and we now know that Sheyla wouldn't mind being homed with a large resident male that will provide Sheyla with companionship and playmate, or she could be homed as an only dog in the right home. Due to her past, Sheyla can be a bit weary of male humans at first and may need some time to trust you, but once she does, how lucky you are. Without being biased, Sheyla may just be one of the friendliest and loveliest dogs you will every come across. She loves to go on adventures and will stick right by your side on the lead, just letting you guide her to her new exploration. Sheyla has been receiving treatment for a bacterial infection in her nose which was causing her to reverse sneeze and produce a lot of mucus. She is currently receiving antibiotics for the infection, and is still her waggy-tailed and happy self! While in the Ukraine between 2022-2023, Sheyla was tested for Heartworms amongst other required tests, and tested positive. Sheyla has been tested for Heartworm, Ehrlichia, Anaplasmosis, Borrelia, Babesia and Canine Brucellosis while in the Ukraine between 2022-2023. She was positive for a Heartworm test in 2022 which was followed up with a scan a week later which was negative. Sheyla has also been tested for Heartworm, Ehrlichia, Anaplasmosis, Borrelia and Canine Brucellosis since her arrival at the rescue using Bionote rapid tests and all were negative. We understand that vets have differing policies in regards to imported dogs and may request testing again in 3 months hence why these dogs are by a reduced adoption fee. Our rehoming team can provide futher information on the tests completed if required. We will be retesting the dogs again in 3 months if they have not been adopted by then and are happy for adopters to bring their dogs back to the rescue for testing and will only charge the cost of the tests.

This special dog is one of our Diamonds in the Ruff!
These wonderful souls may be older, have medical needs, or come with a few unique quirks—but they have endless love to give. Full of personality and deserving of a second chance, they come with a reduced adoption fee to help them find the perfect home. Could you be the one to give them the love they’ve been waiting for?
See more of our Diamonds in the Ruff hereCan live with other dogs
This dog can be homed with a resident dog.