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  • Human family requirements

    I need an adult-only home where I can feel safe and loved.

  • Other pet requirements

    I would like to be homed with my friend Yitty with no other dogs and no cats!

  • House and garden requirements

    I’m a clever escape artist, so I need an extra secure garden to keep me safe.

  • Out and about requirements

    I’d enjoy one or two quiet walks a day and plenty of cuddle time.

  • Training needs

    I’m learning to walk on the lead but still need to master housetraining.

  • Medical issues

    My legs get a little stiff after a walk, my joint supplements help me!

Jumbo is the most handsome fella in the whole wide world who has come to us from a breeder. Jumbo arrived at Many Tears in July of last year and has been stuck here ever since. Jumbo is a funny, confident, and playful man with endless want for affection (and cheese!). He's a big foody and I think he'll be one to check your kitchen counter tops to make sure you haven't left any snacks out for him! Jumbo does not like the clippers when he's being groomed but I think with time, consistency and patience (and of course more cheese) he'll get there. He now lets his trusted human pals cut his fringe and brush his ears with no issues. Jumbo doesn't like to share his space with male dogs but he isn't reactive or anything when passing them. Jumbo can get a little stiff on his back legs after he's had a big run around, so he is on some joint care supplements which help him with this! Jumbo has had a fair few kennel friends in his time here and he is now with Yitty. He has been kenneled with Yitty since October and they have formed an amazing bond. Yitty relies heavily on Jumbo, she mirrors him and copies everything he does, even down to having a drink of water! We have never seen Yitty so comfortable, settled and happy, and for this reason we think it's best for Jumbo and Yitty to go home together. They'll need a home with no resident dogs and no cats.