
Stormy is coming up on his one year anniversary here at the rescue and as heart breaking as that is to even type out, he has learnt so much about love, compassion and trust in that time. Stormy originally came to us from a breeder and being used as a stud dog with little to no human interaction has caused Stormy to have deep rooted fears that would be hard for us humans to ever comprehend. In the beginning, Stormy would shy away from his kennel mums and try his hardest to remain unnoticed in fear of the unknown. He didn't know our intentions, he didn't know that we wanted to show him love, he didn't know that we wanted to help grow his confidence, he only knew fear and mistrust and hurt. Fast forward one year to now, and he has grown in confidence and will allow for his kennel mum to pick him up without a fuss. That may seem like a small hurdle but it is a huge improvement for Stormy and his self-assurance. Stormy will need a kind resident dog in the home he can lean on for support as he embarks on the new journey of learning about home life. Stormy will need kind adult only adopters that are willing to provide him with as much reassurance and support he needs to learn about trust and companionship. Stormy is just as deserving of patience and love as any other dog and will only continue to grow his confidence and trust while he patiently waits for his forever home, which we are hoping is not much longer.
Can live with other dogs
This dog can be homed with a resident dog.